National and International Dog Shows in San Marino
May 25-26, 2024 National and International Dog Shows in San Marino.
Our results:
CHIRUITA INDIANA JONES – CAC, CACIB, 2 x BOB, new Champion of San Marino!
I thank the respected experts L. Ivanova (RUS) and E. […]
National and International Dog Shows in San Marino
May 25-26, 2024 National and International Dog Shows in San Marino.
Our results:
BLISS STARS CHIRUITA – 2 x CAC, CACIB, 3 x BOB, BIG-3, new Champion of San Marino!
I thank the respected experts L. Ivanova […]
International Dog Shows in San Marino
March 22-23, 2024 International Dog Shows 2 x CACIB-FCI in San Marino.
Our results:
Hello! My name is Svetlana Ivoninskaya. I am the owner and the founder of the mono-breed Chihuahua kennel “Chiruita”. I have been working with Chihuahua since 2012 when the first dog of this breed appeared in my house and made the whole family fall in love with her. Since that day our kennel’s goal is to preserve and improve this incredible breed.
It is our main mission to raise beautiful and healthy purebread dogs. For this
purpose we tirelessly work on the selective breeding with the best world lineages.
Our big advantage is a personal attention to every puppy. All the dogs participating in breeding are tested for inherited diseases (Patella, Eye and Heart deseases). All of them have a certificate “Riproduttore Selezionato ENCI”. We work in collaboration with the professional veterinary clinic where the team of specialists take care about our pets.
Our kennel often and successfully participates in national and international FCI Dog Shows (see Achievements tab).
All of our dogs live in the house. They have their own paddock with the big garden so they are never under lock. Every dog is like a family member for me, and every newborn puppy is a treasure.
Hello! My name is Svetlana Ivoninskaya. I am the owner and the founder of the mono-breed Chihuahua kennel “Chiruita”. I have been working with Chihuahua since 2012 when the first dog of this breed appeared in my house and made the whole family fall in love with her. Since that day our kennel’s goal is to preserve and improve this incredible breed.
It is our main mission to raise beautiful and healthy purebread dogs. For this
purpose we tirelessly work on the selective breeding with the best world lineages.
Our big advantage is a personal attention to every puppy. All the dogs participating in breeding are tested for inherited diseases (Patella, Eye and Heart deseases). All of them have a certificate “Riproduttore Selezionato ENCI”. We work in collaboration with the professional veterinary clinic where the team of specialists take care about our pets.
Our kennel often and successfully participates in national and international FCI Dog Shows (see Achievements tab).
All of our dogs live in the house. They have their own paddock with the big garden so they are never under lock. Every dog is like a family member for me, and every newborn puppy is a treasure.

The Chihuahua is considered the smallest purebred dog in the world and is named after the largest state of the Mexican Republic (Chihuahua). It is believed that this dog once lived in the wild and was captured and domesticated by the natives during the Toltec civilization. Some images of a small dog named Techichi, who lived in the Tula region, were used in decorating the architectural elements of this city. These statues closely resemble modern Chihuahuas.
Its origins can be traced back to the Techichi, a small, energetic, strong-boned dog that lived in the Tula region and was bred and spread among the Toltecs, a population that settled in today’s Mexico around the 9th century BC. who considered him a sacred dog. Ancient legends, by the way, say that he had the task of accompanying the souls of deceased masters to the afterlife. This is due to the fact that Techichi’s skull, like today’s Chihuahua skull, was characterized by the presence of a maller – a point on the skull where the bones are not completely fused, which allows him, according to Toltec culture, to communicate directly with the deities. When the Aztecs attacked and defeated the Toltecs in the 14th century, these small dogs became pets of the aristocracy and the object of true veneration.
The Chihuahua is considered the smallest purebred dog in the world and is named after the largest state of the Mexican Republic (Chihuahua). It is believed that this dog once lived in the wild and was captured and domesticated by the natives during the Toltec civilization. Some images of a small dog named Techichi, who lived in the Tula region, were used in decorating the architectural elements of this city. These statues closely resemble modern Chihuahuas.
Its origins can be traced back to the Techichi, a small, energetic, strong-boned dog that lived in the Tula region and was bred and spread among the Toltecs, a population that settled in today’s Mexico around the 9th century BC. who considered him a sacred dog. Ancient legends, by the way, say that he had the task of accompanying the souls of deceased masters to the afterlife. This is due to the fact that Techichi’s skull, like today’s Chihuahua skull, was characterized by the presence of a maller – a point on the skull where the bones are not completely fused, which allows him, according to Toltec culture, to communicate directly with the deities. When the Aztecs attacked and defeated the Toltecs in the 14th century, these small dogs became pets of the aristocracy and the object of true veneration.